Liz Brenner

Everyone has a story to tell.

Even you.

Especially you.

I have a BA in Linguistics from San Diego State University as well as a TEFL Educator certificate, a technical writing certificate and a Hollywood Screenreaders certificate.

I have always worked in communications in one aspect or another. I am a technical writer, a creative writer, a story analyst, an editor, a public speaker, a teacher, and a blogger.




I read manuscript submissions and write a coverage report.

When I was a kid, I loved to read.
I wanted to find a job where I could read for a living.
And who knew?
I did find such a job.
I am a script reader.
I am a story analyst.
I read incoming movie scripts for production companies.
I read incoming book manuscripts for publishing companies.
I analyze the  character arc, story structure, consistency, logic, and dialogue.
I write a report outlining the strengths and weaknesses of each script.
I make recommendations for improvements.
I often work with the writers, offering coaching and mentoring services, to revise the script to meet the standards of the publisher or production company.
I use all my reading and writing skills.
I use all my analytic skills.
I use all my teaching, mentoring and coaching skills.
Contact me if you need coverage for your script.


I am a technical writer/copywriter, but my true love is my blog.

I am a writer.
I love creative writing.
But I am equally experienced in technical writing.
For many years, I owned and operated a transcription service.
I specialized in the medical industry.
I worked in the business and legal fields as well.
I have also done a lot of closed captioning in the entertainment industry.
In addition to transcription services, I have often been hired to write speeches, to ghostwrite books, and to edit manuscripts.
Technical writing uses the same principles as creative writing.
I analyze each document for its structure, consistency, and logic.
I evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each piece and revise it until it has reached its potential.
Contact me for all your technical writing needs.


I teach English Conversation in online settings around the world.

I teach English Conversation in online settings around the world.
I use storytelling as the foundation for each class session.
The stories in my blog are often the basis for my lessons.
When I connect with each student and find topics that resonate, the students are inspired to learn.
Most language programs teach the rules first.
Grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation.
Meaningful conversation isn’t taught until later.
I do the opposite.
I teach conversation first.
And then I teach the rules.
I use storytelling to connect with my students.
That personal connection is the inspiration for their achievement.

Contact me for English Conversation classes.

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I am a public speaker, and I teach Public Speaking to K-12 and adults.

I am a proud Toastmaster.
I have achieved the level of Distinguished Toastmaster.
This is the highest honor you can achieve in the Toastmasters organization.
I incorporate personal stories into every one of my presentations.
Stories help to engage the speaker with the audience.
In Toastmasters we learn how to evaluate each other and how to give constructive feedback.
This skill has served me well in my professional life.
I give feedback when I read scripts and write coverage reports.
I give feedback when I teach English.
I give feedback when I mentor new students.
I am available to speak at your event.
I am available to coach you as you prepare for your own presentation.
Contact me for your speaking and coaching needs.

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