
Consider The Following Books For Your Holiday Gift List

Mostly True Memoirs

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Consider The Following


Yeah, it’s a word.

I think.

I saw it on the internet, so it must be true.

It’s the name of a Christmas tradition in Iceland.

You exchange books as gifts and spend the entire day reading.

That would be the best holiday ever!

Can you imagine sitting in front of the fireplace,

Snuggled in a warm blanket,

With the dog at your feet,

And gingerbread cookies at hand,

With Handel’s Messiah playing quietly in the background,

Reading, reading, reading,

And no one would interrupt you because they would be reading too.

A girl can dream, can’t she?

Consider The Following Fiction That I Have Enjoyed This Year

I Must Betray You

This book is amazing. It’s a more modern, Romanian version of Anne Frank. It’s a work of fiction, but it’s based on research of the people living in those circumstances. This is the story of a teenaged boy living in the final days of Ceauscescu’s rule. It’s heartbreaking and compelling and engaging all at once. I couldn’t put it down. Now I want to read everything by Ruta Sepetys.

Remarkably Bright Creatures

I read this book with my book club. I wasn’t sure I was going to like it. The premise seemed silly. But I really enjoyed this read. It’s the story of a sad, lonely woman at the end of her rope entertwined with a sad, lonely octopus at the end of his rope. Without giving any spoilers, the story provides a very satisfying conclusion. The theme of this book is reminiscent of A Man Called Ove, which is also a compelling read. Thanks to this book, I am now obsessed with watching octopus clips on YouTube.

Again, Rachel

Marian Keyes does it again! She’s been writing about the Walsh Sisters since Watermelon was published in 1995. This book is the sequel to Rachel’s Holiday, and it follows Rachel’s continuing, sometimes funny and sometimes heartbreaking, struggles in her life. This story is at once hilarious, poignant, and engaging. Marian Keyes’ books aren’t just “chick lit.” She writes about serious topics of addiction, abuse, death, and mental health, but she does it with such style and humor and finesse that you fall in love with her every time you read another one of her books.

The Longmire Defense

I love Sheriff Longmire! These are cop stories, yes, but the true magic in Craig Johnson’s writing is his character development. How can you not love Walt and Henry and Vic and Ruby and Dog? When you read the Longmire books, you feel like you’re hanging out with your best friends. This particular story involves Walt on a routine rescue of a stranded driver in the wilderness. While out in the middle of nowhere, he finds some evidence related to a very old incident involving his grandfather, his father, and Henry’s father. This book takes us on a journey into Walt’s childhood. The next book is coming out in May – I can’t wait to read it. Longmire is also a TV series.


This graphic novel series has been around for quite some time, but I had never heard of it. I became curious when I heard a news story that this book had been banned from a middle-school curriculum.  So of course I had to read it. And now I’m hooked. It’s the story of holocaust survivors, and in this story, they’re depicted as mice. It’s a heartbreaking and brutal story, but it’s a story that needs to be told. Now I want to try other graphic novels. It’s a very interesting and creative approach to storytelling.

Consider the following quote by Garrison Keillor – “A book is a gift you can open again and again.”

Put some books on your gift list.

Celebrate Jolabokaflod.

Liz Brenner

Everyone has a story to tell.

Even you.

Especially you.




Reading Fiction Is Such An Amazing Experience

Mostly True Memoirs

Reading Fiction

“I don’t read fiction,” a friend said recently.

“Fiction is a waste of time.”

Oh, my heart!

Reading fiction is NOT a waste of time.

Without fiction, Scout Finch couldn’t have said “Hey, Boo.”

Ignatius J. Reilly wouldn’t have said, “When my brain begins to reel from my literary labors, I make an occasional cheese dip.”

And we would never have met Rebecca Davitch, who discovered she’d turned into the wrong person.

We wouldn’t have seen Francie Nolan’s tree grow in Brooklyn.

And we would never have another beautiful day at the Red Pony Bar and continual soiree.

Without fiction, we wouldn’t have Poe’s raven, Charlotte’s web, or Lennie’s rabbits.

Or Anna Walsh’s feathery strokers.

And we absolutely would have never heard Walt Kowalski say, “Get off my lawn.”

I know, Walt Kowalski comes from a movie and not a book.

But he’s one of my all-time favorite fictional characters.

Reading fiction is NOT a waste of time.

To paraphrase Ove Lindahl, “I’m right. Is that so unreasonable?”

Liz Brenner

Everyone has a story to tell.

Even you.

Especially you.



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