
Why My Dog Blue Is The Best Dog Ever

Mostly True Memoirs

The Best Dog Ever

She’s The Best Dog Ever

She’s the best dog ever.

My sweet Blue Dawg.

She loves a cuddle.

But only if she’s actively receiving some pats.

Once the pats stop, she’s outta there.

She just can’t seem to settle down quietly and snuggle.

In her previous life before we rescued her, somebody must have really scared her.

She gets very anxious and agitated and bolts away as quickly as possible.

I always let her go because I don’t want to stress her out.

But this weekend…

Well, this weekend she took a nap on my feet.

I was so excited.

I wanted to jump up and yell, “Look, look, look, she’s doing it!”

But I couldn’t do that because it would have spoiled the moment.

I let her take her nap and wake up and realize that she was still safe.

We’re making progress.

Soon, Blue is going to realize that a good book and a cozy snuggle on a long winter night is amazing.

Good girl, Blue, you’re the best dog ever.